Social Distancing - Your Extroverts Need You!

Social Distancing - Your Extroverts Need You!

We cannot exist without others. We are completely connected all the time. We are a vast body of life.

As an introvert and freelancer I spend a lot of my work and leisure time alone, and whilst I enjoy collaborating and being with others my need for space and time to re-charge is strong!

I’ve had many conversations with friends and clients about the working of our introvert brains and discussed at length the strategies that can help us thrive in a workplace and western world which is predominantly set up for those with an extrovert preference.

Last week that conversation changed.

“How can we support our extrovert colleagues at this time of change and social distancing?”

When the government advised citizens of the UK to stay indoors and reduce social contact, I thought about my work, the cancelled and postponed contracts, the impact on my finances. I thought about my sister, due to give birth and I thought about those who could not simply stay indoors, such as the amazing NHS staff and key workers. I thought about the Hospitality Industry and the chaos and change to so many businesses and livelihoods. I thought about the elderly and at-risk groups, the loss of life and the enormity of it all.

I also thought - I can do this, I can stay indoors and reduce social contact, in fact, I’d love to. Count me in. I am an introvert, and this is how I roll.

My extrovert friends felt differently.

As extroverts live externally, they live their lives through other people and shared experiences. Extroverts actively seek out and enjoy interacting with others and are often portrayed as the louder more centre stage folk (this isn’t always true but that’s for another time). The instruction to remain distant, to exist in silos, to shut down all planned activity and in-person connection sent many into a panic. Being advised to cut off their arms may have been more digestible on first hearing the news.

To understand the scale of impact that social distancing can have on extroverts, let’s consider what a similar challenge might look like for introverts, we’ll call it ‘social associating’.

Social Associating starts today, you must socialise and never stop, don’t go home and always remain within a brooms length of someone else, anyone. There is no definitive time as to when you will be able to stop. Every interaction must be face to face and it must be 24/7 - no breaks except walking. Walking is fine, as long as you link arms with people on both sides and engage in non-stop conversation. You must attend regular mass gatherings of 500 people or more. The pubs, clubs and shops are open and you should go to them every day. Take the tube there, do not walk. Talk and touch everyone on the way. You may go home once a day with others in your household for a quick sit.

To have enforced social distancing and isolation is a change for everyone but our reactions and needs will be different. There is no right way to feel or act. Now is the time to practice patient acceptance and kindness. Reaching out to those who may need it, even if you are enjoying the space – note to self.

It’s a time to come together in different ways with people around the world busy organizing systems that support our connectedness. Here are some simple and great ways to stay social;

  • Video and phone calls - Maintain and build on your routine conversations with colleagues, friend and family. Have your breaks together, chat after work. Check out as a simple and free way to connect

  • Virtual Hangouts - Celebrate occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries or Fridays with a virtual hangout. Great for after work drinks or a shared dinner, playing games or perhaps a book club or film night? Check out

  • Volunteer - There are lots of ways to volunteer from behind closed doors or in your local area. Check out and for my Manchester pals for more info.

  • Collaborate on a creative project – make a video, write together, adapt your services for an online market

  • Smile and wave - if you see a neighbour or stranger across the street don’t hide, show your warm side :)

Thanks for reading, stay safe and connected 😊

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